Sunday, October 24, 2010

'The Secretariat' Review

'The Secretariat', which has a cast including Diane Lane and John Malkovich is about the 1973 race horse, that won the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing. 

When I saw the preview for this movie, I thought "Meh, not a huge fan of horse racing, not too sure if the movie will be any good." Boy, was I wrong. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat, with intense, dramatic scenes. As usual, Diane Lane was a phenomenal actress and played the role of Penney Chenerey extremely well. Although I used to find John Malkovich annoying and creepy because I saw him in one bad movie, that has changed as he was comical, yet convincing in this movie.

But throughout the movie, I realized something. This film is about much more then just a Triple Crown winning horse, and the story that follows. It's about the will to go against the non-believers, the nay-sayers. Its about the having the drive, and the fight to become the greatest that you can possibly become.

All in all, I would give this movie a 8/10, as I am a sucker for a great comeback story

If you are looking for a good movie to see, I would highly recommend 'The Secretariat'

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