Friday, October 22, 2010

The week in TV

This week, for me, wasn't really an over the top week for TV shows. Dancing with the Stars is getting to the point where the obvious people are going home, for example, Florence Henderson was voted off this week.

On wednesday, my current fav show is on: Modern Family. This episode, was hilarious. The show continues to amaze me with the new humour and ideas that the writers come up with every week, and it doesn't get boring and repetitive like some shows have started to become (hint, hint The Office).

Although the some episodes are getting repetitive, The Office is still one of my favourite shows of all-time. This episode was actually better then last weeks, with Michael, Jim and Dwight all going an a sales call, and Michael manages to hire the salesmen who is stealing all their clients. Classic Michael Scott.

All in all, it was alright this week for TV

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