Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus

When Halloween approaches, the things people think of the most is: “Candy!!” “What am I going to be this year?” “Trick-or-treating!” and “What movies to watch?” I have always been a fan of Halloween. It’s this magical time for me. I think it’s because I get to dress up, put make-up on and get to be someone else for one night. Must be the Actor in me because come to think of it, it was really good character practice for me all those years.

When I was 8, the movie Hocus Pocus came out. It’s the story of three Witches, sisters actually, who were sentenced to death for their acts of witchcraft; taking the lives of little children. One of the Witches, upon her execution, put on a spell that when a virgin will light the black flamed candle on Hallows eve, they would return from the dead. Fast forward 300 years and you find Max, a sceptic of Halloween and the new kid in town. He’s got a crush on his classmate, Alison, and a pesky little sister, Dani. Forced to take his sister out trick-or-treating, they run into Alison and somehow find themselves at the house where the sisters lived. Trying to impress his crush, he lights the candle and the Witches return for a night of fun, horror and magic!

This is a children’s movie, no blood and guts spilling out. Hello, I was 8 remember??? I knew a lot of the actors that were in this: Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Vinessa Shaw and Thora Birch (who I was around the same age as). I begged my dad to go see it and...I fell in love. With the costumes and candy at first yes, but the acting caught my eye even at age 8. Actor, remember.  Parker was indeed funny, making me consider doing comedy. Her timing, choices, and performance helped the story. Midler is of course outrageous with a voice that’s gold, and shows how being over the top is not overacting. Birch brought playfulness and youth in areas it needed to be. Plus, the guy playing her older brother was cute! The story itself was clever, entertaining, and had moments of “Run!!”

If you want a family friendly movie with the Halloween theme to watch with your kids, I absolutely recommend this. I watch it EVERY year. But that’s the kid in me :). For all you adults wanting something scarier I recommend The Ring, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, or the first Saw. Nothing to do with Halloween, but they all screw with your head. Happy Halloween everyone!

~Cathy (Follow me on twitter @KaptKatz)

1 comment:

  1. This was the first movie I remember REALLY liking Sarah Jessica Parker in. My favorite part of this film though was the appearance of Gary Marshall; that was a real treat.
