Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top 5 Horror Films

Halloween is just around the corner, and I am starting to see a lot of people decorating their house or buying halloween costumes. Not only does this mean that we get to pig out on halloween candy, it also means that it is time to watch our favourite horror films! Classics such as The Shining, Poltergeist, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

My top 5 Horror films are:

The Shining: Widely regarded as an instant classic, Jack Nicholoson could not have played his roll as any better. Whether you have seen the movie or not, you have most likely heard the saying 'Here's Johnny!", which is one of the best movie quotes of all-time.

Poltergeist: Possibly my favourite horror film, Poltergeist will freak your freak. It is the definition of scary. For me, the first one was better then 2 and 3, but still a great horror film.

The Silence Of The Lambs Another personal favourite of mine, mostly because of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. When he says "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice glass of chianti", I get freaked out every single time. A definite must-see

The Exorcist (1973) Usually any movie with "excorcist" in the title is pretty damn scary. Well this movie was no exception. The infamous "spider-walk" scene scars the hell out of me every single time.

Halloween (2007) There really isnt much to say about this movie. A guy chasing around a neighbourhood trying to kill his babysitter, basic, yet very very scary

What are your favourite horror movies of all-time? Leave your answer in the comments!


  1. I have seen the Shining so many times, but in pieces. I need to rent it and watch it from beginning to end. The scariest part is those creepy little girls.

    However, the absolute scariest movie I have ever seen is Jeepers Creepers. I didn't really know what it was when I sat down to watch it and I had to stop it halfway through and take a break.

    Others are Pet Cemetery, The Exorcist part 3, and Session 9 - its psychologically frightening.

  2. ^ I have heard things about Session 9, mostly that it was very frightening, but I have yet to see it. Definitely putting it on my must-see list!

  3. You should see it; regardless if you find it scary or not it is a very well made movie. The setting, for me, is the absolute creepiest settings I can ever imagine.
