Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's all the rage about Glee?

Just recently, I have noticed that whether its on Facebook, Twitter or somebody texting me asking "Did you watch Glee!?" and when I reply with a subtle "No", they act like they didn't either, when really, they did. This leaves me with the question that everybody wants to ask, but nobody has: What's all the rage about Glee?

First off, whats with the nickname "Gleek"? I know its the combination of the word"geek" and "Glee, but it also means, and backed-up by Urban Dictionary, "gleek" is also when you use your glands to shoot saliva out of your mouth. So already off the bat, I'm not a fan of either.

Even if you are a fan of the show, you can agree with my on this: the acting is absolutely horrid and predictable. If I was a betting man, I could make loads of money betting on the exact moment they will bust out into a song. And usually, its a song that has just been ruined for the rest of your life. Seriously, ruined.

Sure, some of the songs are catchy, but thats because of the song, not because there is a bunch of actors/actresses singing them, whether they have a good voice or not.

All in all, I wasn't a fan of the first season, wont be a fan of this season, and wont be a fan of the dragged out tenth season where Rachel has turned into a washed up wanna-be superstar, kind of like Lindsay Lohan, or better yet, Britney Spears

That is my real opinion!

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