Friday, November 5, 2010

Underrated TV Shows

I watch a lot of TV series, and a lot of them are either very underrated or are very unknown shows, yet still very good. Sure, I watch shows like Modern Family, The Office, and How I Met Your Mother, but I have a few shows that are favourites of mine that not a lot of people watch, or have even heard of. My top 3 favourite underrated TV Shows are:

'How To Make It In America': Airing on HBO, this show is about two twenty-somethings who live in New York. Ben Epstein (played by Bryan Greenberg) and Cam Calderon (played by Victor Rasuk) are always trying to hustle their way and make a name for themselves when it comes to the next best thing in the New York fashion scene. With underrated actors, a great plot-line, and episodes that always get you feeling pumped up and wanting to see the next episode right away, this show is a must.

'Army Wives': Okay, I know what you're all thinking "Oh my goodness, Lucas likes some chick-flick show..." Well, You are wrong on one thing... this isn't a chick-flick show. This show is about four army wives, their families, and an army husband whose wife is in the army. Every episode seem even more dramatic then the last one, until you watch the next episode. At the end of each episode, you feel like you are a part of each family, and cant get enough of this show. I would highly recommend it if you like drama, and a bit of comedy.

'Weeds': Now this show, this show is just downright surprising. Nancy Botwin (played by Mary-Louise Parker) is your typical day-to-day soccer mom. Two kids, Silas and Shane, husband passed away before the series plot. Except there is one little thing that is different. She sells marijuana. And not just to random people, to her best friends and her neighbours. Nancy finds herself getting deeper and deeper into the drug world, and she just cant stop. If you are a fan of black-comedy, this show is a huge must.

I hope you enjoyed my top 3 underrated TV shows!
Follow me on Twitter: @TheLucasMartin

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's all just a bunch of Hocus Pocus

When Halloween approaches, the things people think of the most is: “Candy!!” “What am I going to be this year?” “Trick-or-treating!” and “What movies to watch?” I have always been a fan of Halloween. It’s this magical time for me. I think it’s because I get to dress up, put make-up on and get to be someone else for one night. Must be the Actor in me because come to think of it, it was really good character practice for me all those years.

When I was 8, the movie Hocus Pocus came out. It’s the story of three Witches, sisters actually, who were sentenced to death for their acts of witchcraft; taking the lives of little children. One of the Witches, upon her execution, put on a spell that when a virgin will light the black flamed candle on Hallows eve, they would return from the dead. Fast forward 300 years and you find Max, a sceptic of Halloween and the new kid in town. He’s got a crush on his classmate, Alison, and a pesky little sister, Dani. Forced to take his sister out trick-or-treating, they run into Alison and somehow find themselves at the house where the sisters lived. Trying to impress his crush, he lights the candle and the Witches return for a night of fun, horror and magic!

This is a children’s movie, no blood and guts spilling out. Hello, I was 8 remember??? I knew a lot of the actors that were in this: Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, Vinessa Shaw and Thora Birch (who I was around the same age as). I begged my dad to go see it and...I fell in love. With the costumes and candy at first yes, but the acting caught my eye even at age 8. Actor, remember.  Parker was indeed funny, making me consider doing comedy. Her timing, choices, and performance helped the story. Midler is of course outrageous with a voice that’s gold, and shows how being over the top is not overacting. Birch brought playfulness and youth in areas it needed to be. Plus, the guy playing her older brother was cute! The story itself was clever, entertaining, and had moments of “Run!!”

If you want a family friendly movie with the Halloween theme to watch with your kids, I absolutely recommend this. I watch it EVERY year. But that’s the kid in me :). For all you adults wanting something scarier I recommend The Ring, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, or the first Saw. Nothing to do with Halloween, but they all screw with your head. Happy Halloween everyone!

~Cathy (Follow me on twitter @KaptKatz)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

'The Secretariat' Review

'The Secretariat', which has a cast including Diane Lane and John Malkovich is about the 1973 race horse, that won the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing. 

When I saw the preview for this movie, I thought "Meh, not a huge fan of horse racing, not too sure if the movie will be any good." Boy, was I wrong. This movie kept me on the edge of my seat, with intense, dramatic scenes. As usual, Diane Lane was a phenomenal actress and played the role of Penney Chenerey extremely well. Although I used to find John Malkovich annoying and creepy because I saw him in one bad movie, that has changed as he was comical, yet convincing in this movie.

But throughout the movie, I realized something. This film is about much more then just a Triple Crown winning horse, and the story that follows. It's about the will to go against the non-believers, the nay-sayers. Its about the having the drive, and the fight to become the greatest that you can possibly become.

All in all, I would give this movie a 8/10, as I am a sucker for a great comeback story

If you are looking for a good movie to see, I would highly recommend 'The Secretariat'

Friday, October 22, 2010

The week in TV

This week, for me, wasn't really an over the top week for TV shows. Dancing with the Stars is getting to the point where the obvious people are going home, for example, Florence Henderson was voted off this week.

On wednesday, my current fav show is on: Modern Family. This episode, was hilarious. The show continues to amaze me with the new humour and ideas that the writers come up with every week, and it doesn't get boring and repetitive like some shows have started to become (hint, hint The Office).

Although the some episodes are getting repetitive, The Office is still one of my favourite shows of all-time. This episode was actually better then last weeks, with Michael, Jim and Dwight all going an a sales call, and Michael manages to hire the salesmen who is stealing all their clients. Classic Michael Scott.

All in all, it was alright this week for TV

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top 5 Horror Films

Halloween is just around the corner, and I am starting to see a lot of people decorating their house or buying halloween costumes. Not only does this mean that we get to pig out on halloween candy, it also means that it is time to watch our favourite horror films! Classics such as The Shining, Poltergeist, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

My top 5 Horror films are:

The Shining: Widely regarded as an instant classic, Jack Nicholoson could not have played his roll as any better. Whether you have seen the movie or not, you have most likely heard the saying 'Here's Johnny!", which is one of the best movie quotes of all-time.

Poltergeist: Possibly my favourite horror film, Poltergeist will freak your freak. It is the definition of scary. For me, the first one was better then 2 and 3, but still a great horror film.

The Silence Of The Lambs Another personal favourite of mine, mostly because of Dr. Hannibal Lecter. When he says "I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice glass of chianti", I get freaked out every single time. A definite must-see

The Exorcist (1973) Usually any movie with "excorcist" in the title is pretty damn scary. Well this movie was no exception. The infamous "spider-walk" scene scars the hell out of me every single time.

Halloween (2007) There really isnt much to say about this movie. A guy chasing around a neighbourhood trying to kill his babysitter, basic, yet very very scary

What are your favourite horror movies of all-time? Leave your answer in the comments!

Friday, October 15, 2010

The week in TV

Another week has come and gone, and we all got to watch our favourite TV shows. Whether its Dancing With The Stars, or Modern Family, it was a great week for TV.

First off, I watched Dancing With The Stars, and I have a question: Why did "The Situation" keep flexing his pectoral muscles? It was annoying, yet somehow I just couldn't... look... away.

On tuesday, one of my favourite shows was on: The Good Wife. I love the show, love the characters, and I am still shocked at how underrated Julianne Margulies is. Such a talented actress.

Wednesday, my favourite show is on: Modern Family. Mostly, I love Phil Dunphy (played by Ty Burrell).
Every single episode he has that one killer line that makes me spit my drink everywhere.

One of my favourite Phil Dunphy lines (talking about his wife): "Claire's a perfectionist, which sometimes is a good thing, like when it comes to picking a husband."

Thrusday night is the all-star lineup in television. The Big Bang Theory, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock, and The Office.

Of those 4, The Office is my favourite, although it is starting to slip in the funny category this season. But I still tune in every week to see how clueless Michael Scott is and to see if Jim Halpert is pulling any more pranks on Dwight Schrute. 

All in all, it was a great week for television

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's all the rage about Glee?

Just recently, I have noticed that whether its on Facebook, Twitter or somebody texting me asking "Did you watch Glee!?" and when I reply with a subtle "No", they act like they didn't either, when really, they did. This leaves me with the question that everybody wants to ask, but nobody has: What's all the rage about Glee?

First off, whats with the nickname "Gleek"? I know its the combination of the word"geek" and "Glee, but it also means, and backed-up by Urban Dictionary, "gleek" is also when you use your glands to shoot saliva out of your mouth. So already off the bat, I'm not a fan of either.

Even if you are a fan of the show, you can agree with my on this: the acting is absolutely horrid and predictable. If I was a betting man, I could make loads of money betting on the exact moment they will bust out into a song. And usually, its a song that has just been ruined for the rest of your life. Seriously, ruined.

Sure, some of the songs are catchy, but thats because of the song, not because there is a bunch of actors/actresses singing them, whether they have a good voice or not.

All in all, I wasn't a fan of the first season, wont be a fan of this season, and wont be a fan of the dragged out tenth season where Rachel has turned into a washed up wanna-be superstar, kind of like Lindsay Lohan, or better yet, Britney Spears

That is my real opinion!